On 14 September 2018, the University introductory talk was successfully conducted by the Institution of Civil Engineers Hong Kong Association graduates and students division (ICE HKA G&S) at Chu Hai College of Higher Education. The ICE HKA G&S speakers introduced Institution of Civil Engineers and promoted the upcoming activities to […]
The Construction Industry Council (CIC) is going to have its 2nd BIM Talks later this month. CIC’s goal is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are related to the successful implementation of BIM in real life, and on a wide range of topics to accelerate BIM adoption. […]
Dr. Yang Yi of our department was invited to visit the state key laboratory of hydroscience and engineering of Tsinghua University to do the academic collaboration. On 4th August, Dr. Yang was invited to deliver a technical talk entitled “Exploring the effects of rolling resistance and non-convex particle on the […]
On 14th July 2018, our graduate – Mr. Ng Ka Ho came back to our College to have a sharing talk on his successful experience to obtain a professional qualification from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). He shared the professional review process and the review questions to be asked […]
During the period from 23 June 2018 to 26 June 2018, Ir Prof. Y.L. Wong visited Institute of Disaster Prevention in Beijing, China, and presented a seminar on the Properties and Applications of Passive Fire Protection Materials to the staff and research students of the Institute. Prof. X. Guo, the Dean of the Faculty of […]
On 7th May 2018, Civil Engineering Students’ Society organized a site visit to Lamma Power Station of Hong Kong Electric. During the visit, Ir Edmund Pang – Manager of the Hong Kong Electric, overviewed the history and development of Lamma Power Station. He introduced the development of the renewable energy […]