The University talk was successfully held by the ICE HKA G&S (Division comprising with all Graduate and Student members of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Hong Kong Association) on 21 September 2017 at Chu Hai College of Higher Education. The objective was to introduce Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and […]
Our Department was honored to invite HKCA Young Members Society (YMS) to give a promotion talk, for year 1 and year 2 civil students, in the Chu Hai New Campus on 13th September 2017. The YMS talk introduced their mission, composition and activities ranging from site visit to annual dinner, […]
All freshmen participated in the Orientation Day on 25th August 2017. Our Department Head Professor Joseph Mak and all teachers welcomed the freshmen and introduced the facilities in our campus to them. Welcome you all!!
From 30th May to 15th June, 2017, two of our civil engineering students (Kwan Chun Lo and Li Si Jin) obtained a study travel grant from the Hong Kong Chapter of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) to visit three universities (University of Toronto, York University and Ryerson University) in […]
CSCEHKB invited 3 students Wong Yee Ting Kelly, Leung Nga Ring Win and Chung Long Yin to be the master and helpers of the CSCEHKB conference 2017 which was held on 9th and 10th June and which focussed on Seismic Effects on Buildings and Infrastructure.
The students’ society organized a site visit to Fanling Highway for civil engineering students. The site visit provide an opportunity to students to comprehend more about transportation planning, project management and construction technology. The project aims to widen the 3-km long section of Fanling Highway from the existing dual 3-lane carriageway to […]
On 14th January 2017, Prof. Wong Yuk Lung and Prof. Adam Choy organized a site visit for Year 4 students of the Department of Civil Engineering to HKSTP Science Park SPX1 Development in HKSTP Science Park.This site visit provided an opportunity for our students to have a better understanding of […]
On 7th January, 2017, students of civil engineering participated in the site visit on Precast Reinforced Concrete Manufacturing Factory in Huizhou, Guangdong province, which was organized by Professor Wong Yuk Lung. It was a good opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge about precast construction.