Membership of Advisory Committee

Ir CHENG Ting Ning, Albert Executive Director, Construction Industry Council
Ir Dr. PANG Yat Bond, Derrick, JP
Chief Executive Director, Asia Allied Infrastructure Holdings Limited
Ir HON Chi Keung, GBS, JP Chief Executive and Secretary, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
Ir LEE Wai Kwok, Mike Executive Director, Castco Testing Centre Ltd.
Ir Prof. LEUNG K Y, Christopher Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ir LEUNG Wing Kee, Ricky Executive Director, Engineering & Technology, Hong Kong International Airport
Ir SHUN Lok Nin Managing Director, SLN & Associated Limited
Ir SZE Wang Cho, James Director of Infrastructure, Hong Kong Geotechnics & Maritime Leader, Arup
Mr. WONG Siu Han, Rex, JP Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Kum Shing (K.F.) Construction Co. Ltd.

External Examiner

Ir Prof. LAM Dennis (Overseas) Chair in Structural Engineering, School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Informatics, University of Bradford