Message from Ir Prof. Louis C.H. Lam, Head of Department of Civil Engineering

Since 1949, the year of foundation of Hong Kong Chu Hai College, the Department of Civil Engineering has been offering civil engineering programmes to equip students with in-depth knowledge and practical training for pursuing a career in the civil engineering and construction industry. In the past years, more than 1,500 students graduated from the programme. Over the years, our graduates have made tremendous contribution to the industry in various capacities. In particular, the outstanding achievements of our graduates in the field of structural engineering, especially related to the construction of the world’s renown bridges, reflect the success of the Department.

The civil engineering profession is at a crossroads as we enter the 21st century. Emphases on some aspects are shifting. In addition to the emphasis on massive infrastructure developments, growing concern has been expressed over maintenance and revitalization. Similarly, sustainable development and environmental awareness have considerably expanded the role and functions of civil engineering. Furthermore, with the advancement of digital technology, it is essential for modern civil engineers to acquire knowledge of innovation and technology developed in other related disciplines for improving safety and cost effectiveness. Keeping up with these changes and looking ahead, the Department continues to enhance its curriculum to better suit the current needs of the industry.

The new campus of the College provides space and equipment for the Department to facilitate the development of our research capability.  We are now taking a leading role in the application of Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technologies for enhancing construction safety and infrastructure monitoring. With Construction Industry Council’s support, a falsework safety monitoring system has been successfully developed to enhance the safety of scaffolding falsework used in the construction of tall buildings. Recently, we are also contracted to carry out the force and deflection monitoring work of the Skybridge at the Hong Kong International Airport. Furthermore, the Department was selected by URA to develop Smart IoT Ventilating Pipe Disinfection devices for improving public health and safety. We believe that the risk of a large-scale outbreak in the community can be reduced once the device is widely used in Hong Kong.

The Department strives to nurture competent engineers and professionals for the ever-changing industry. I look forward to leading our students and staff of the next generation to meet the upcoming challenges.